5 Insights from a Temple Worker That Will Make You See the Temple Differently


MR says: Check out these 5 insights from a temple ordinance worker that could help transform the way you view and experience the temple.

And, if you are looking to get more out of your temple experience, check out these 10 tips from S. Michael Wilcox.

I was sitting in the room about to begin an endowment session and was overcome with emotion as I looked at the attendees of that session. I saw people of all shapes and sizes, colors and ethnicities. There were young people that looked strong and vibrant. There were old people that could barely sit or stand. There was a man in an electric wheelchair, with a smile beaming across his face. I couldn’t help but ask myself… “What are these people doing here in this temple? Why are they here? What motivates them to do this?” Then I turned inwardly and asked myself…”Why am I here spending so much time in this temple?”

I can’t answer those questions for anyone else but myself…but I personally love going to the temple because of two reasons. One of those reasons is based on how I feel when I’m there, and the second reason deals with the things I learn while I’m there. Since it’ll be hard to adequately describe how I feel when I’m there, I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve recently learned while working in the temple.

The Veil Is Important

There is a veil in the temple. That is available knowledge. It’s similar to the veil that was found in the tabernacle and in other Jewish built temples. In these ancient temples, no one was allowed to pass through the veil into the “Holy of Holies” which symbolized the presence of God. Only the high priest in Israel was allowed to enter on the Day of Atonement. That High Priest was representative of Jesus Christ…the only person worthy to enter the presence of God.

I always found it interesting that the very first thing that happened immediately following the death of Christ was the veil of the Jewish temple being “rent in twain”. The scripture specifies that it was ripped “from the top to the bottom.” Meaning all the way. Completely.

I’m sure that God didn’t pick some random event to happen immediately following his death. This was a symbol to each of us that the doors of heaven have now been opened because of the effects of the Atonement. That sign was God’s way of telling us that this once impenetrable barrier that divided us from our Heavenly Father’s presence had been obliterated by the merits and mercy of Christ. It also symbolized that the work for the dead had commenced, and that heaven and earth could once again be reunited and sealed through the proxy saving ordinances of the restoration.

Get more from your temple experience with S. Michael Wilcox's House of Glory: Finding Personal Meaning in the Temple or President Boyd K. Packer's The Holy Temple.

House of Glory:Michael Wilcox identifies the blessing that temple work brings to our everyday lives. He discusses the temple as a house of learning where we can understand the most powerful principles of the gospel and receive inspiration for our families and ourselves. He explains how the temple is a house of refuge where we can escape the trials and troubles of the world. 

The Holy TempleIn President Packer's characteristic warmth and authoritative manner, he examines in appropriate detail the doctrines and practices surrounding the holy temples that dot the world. This timely and valuable book will help members at every stage of life as it focuses on a temple's purpose, beauty, and the blessings it offers.

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