From the Church

Church Releases New Website About Temples


"The temple is the house of the Lord," Elder David A. Bednar declared as part of his general conference talk Sunday afternoon.

With the increased focus on home-centered, church-supported gospel learning, Elder Bednar talked of the implications of the recent changes in the Church, particularly the fact that our homes are now the best and first MTCs, Sunday School classes, family history centers, and temple preparation classes. He shared a sneak peek of a brand-new Church resource to help families know what they should or shouldn't say as the teach about temples in their homes. 

While emphasizing the importance of speaking of the Lord's house with reverence and not discussing, explaining, or describing the sacred information we are instructed never to reveal,  Elder Bednar said that there is much that we can share. He talked about a new website, temples.churchofjesuschrist.orgwhere Church members and others now have access to a variety of resources related to the temple, including a video about sacred temple clothing, that can act as guideposts as we share, teach, and learn about temples in our homes. Check out one of the videos from the new website below, or follow the link to explore more resources on the website. 

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