Latter-day Saint Life

How President Monson Miraculously Answered an Investigators Prayer (+Other Stories That Will Make You Love Him Even More)


MR says: Check out these simple yet touching stories of how President Monson has transformed lives with his contagious charisma, optimism, and testimony of our Savior.

Across the reception hall the tall, well-dressed man left his post in the receiving line and strode straight to me. He reached out and put my tie between his fingers and proclaimed, “It’s a confident businessman who wears a yellow tie. How are you this evening?”

That wasn’t my first encounter with Elder Thomas Monson.

I first met him as a young teen flying alone from San Francisco to Salt Lake City. Somehow I was put in 1stClass. As I relaxed in my seat, a very tall fellow boarded the flight with a smile as wide as the aisle. I knew who he was. Elder Thomas S. Monson, who had just recently been called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Callings didn’t come much bigger than that in this church.

He smiled down at me and asked him to excuse him as he stepped around my knees and settled his tall frame into the seat better suited for him than me. Instantly, before putting on his seat belt, he thrust out his hand, “Hello. I’m Elder Tom Monson. What’s your name?”

Lead image from Meridian Magazine.
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