Young Women Lesson 49: Delegating Responsibility to Others

Manual 1; Excerpt from "O Be Wise," by M. Russell Ballard

Discussion Questions
• What leadership skills will help us “carry on the responsibility of building the kingdom of God”? (For the Strength of Youth [pamphlet, 2001], 3).
• In what ways might delegating tasks to others help us better fulfill our responsibilities?
• What are some qualities that an effective delegator might have?
• What can we do when others do not follow through with their delegated tasks?

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Supplement is an excerpt from "O Be Wise" by Elder M. Russell Ballard, October 2006 General Conference:

Occasionally we find some who become so energetic in their Church service that their lives become unbalanced. They start believing that the programs they administer are more important than the people they serve. They complicate their service with needless frills and embellishments that occupy too much time, cost too much money, and sap too much energy. They refuse to delegate or to allow others to grow in their respective responsibilities.

. . .

There is a difference between being responsible for getting the work done and doing the work yourself. For example, gone should be the days when the elders quorum president feels he needs to personally finish the home teaching visits that others have missed. The same is true for Relief Society presidents with respect to visiting teaching. Not only is this unwise; it isn’t home or visiting teaching. Home teaching isn’t about numbers or reporting visits to a home; visits and numbers are just a measuring stick. Home teaching is about love of people and service to and watchcare over our Heavenly Father’s children.

Assignments should be made, responsibilities should be delegated, and members should be allowed to fulfill their stewardship as best they can. Counsel, advise, persuade, motivate—but don’t do the work for them. Allow others to progress and grow, even if it means sometimes getting less-than-perfect results on the reports.

Read the full talk, "O Be Wise."

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