30 Girl Scout Cookie recipes

Anyone who has made a trip to the grocery store recently has probably left with more than the usual number of unplanned purchases. If you're a fan of baked goods, or simply human, you're bound to have a box or two (or 10) of Girl Scout Cookies somewhere in your shopping cart. Perhaps buried under the Reese's Puffs or hiding behind the Cadbury Mini Eggs? While there's no denying the inherent deliciousness of the cookies, creative food bloggers have found many ways to incorporate them into even more mouth-watering concoctions. We've gathered 30 Girl Scout Cookie-based recipes worth whipping up — or at least dreaming about. And you'll want to click all the way through because the final recipe elevates these cookies to wedding-worthy status with edible gold. Ready, set, salivate. Related: For lessons in business, look to the cookie

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