NBC's TODAY Features LDS Bloggers Setting Modest Fashion Trends

Maybe you’ve already noticed the change: Young women in one-piece swimsuits at the beach, loose tunics replacing tank tops in the summertime, chunky knits instead of tight sweaters in the winter.

It’s all part of a growing modesty movement in the fashion world, where sexy styles take a backseat to classier, more conservative looks. 

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Chandler Roberson blogs about playful dresses and one furry, lilac coat that looks like a street style photographer's dream at Days of Chandler, while noting in her "About Me" that she's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Modest fashion blogs like Writing Rainbows, Wearing It On My Sleeves, Plane Pretty and Love Taza are also all written by Mormon women.

“I don’t want to just cover my body—I want to look good,” Roberson, 22, told TODAY.com. She models bright, flirty fashions but her knees and shoulders are notably covered. “I’ll find a really cool sequin skirt or a purple coat and make it work. It’s impressive but you don’t have to reveal yourself.”

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