18 Is Not the New 19 for Missionary Service

I saw this coming – the good and the bad – and you probably did, too. Last October, President Monson announced the change in missionary age requirements, and wonderful things have happened. There are more full-time missionaries serving that ever before, and more sister missionaries than ever before. Excellent, prepared, strong young men and women are all across the globe teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is awesome.

The age change for Elders to 18, and the sisters to 19 has been a tremendous blessing to many, and is, in turn, blessing the entire world. I know young people who might have charted a different course for their lives, had this opportunity been available sooner. The change has been a godsend to many.

That is the “good” I saw coming. The bad? I mentioned it in post last year entitled “Early Elders: Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril.” I expressed concern that 18 would become the new 19, and we, as a church culture, would begin to apply pressure on young men if they don’t leave right when they turn 18. (This is directed at young men missionary service, but you may apply it to the sisters as you see fit.)

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