Al Fox: Mormons & 'Tattoos' (+Baby Announcement)

What does the "Tattooed Mormon" actually think about tattoos now? And what would you say to me if I really wanted to get one, but know that I shouldn't? Have you gotten any since you were baptized? Can I still go to the temple if I have a tattoo? Any advice for us with metaphorical “tattoos”- our past mistakes, habits and wrongdoings? I think those are the mot frequent questions and emails I get. I’ll start out by clearing up any misconceptions there may be. It’s not often I talk about my tattoos, simply for the reason of, I don’t think I need to, it’s not important. I’ve always wanted the focus to be on what I was trying to accomplish with sharing the Gospel and using the Internet for good, not my past and what I look like. I try to teach by example and actions, and allowed others to fill in their own blanks if they needed to, simply because telling the world all of these little unnecessary details about myself wasn’t a concern to me.

I am the youngest of 3 girls. My mom is the most hands-on mom you can ever imagine, always doing everything for me and my sisters. Always. I consider myself spoiled to have her. My dad has been the biggest teacher in life growing up and my best friend. Understatement. My dad means more than the world to me. Tattoos were nothing more but a way of culture. Not rebellion.

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