Conference Week in Review: 5 Must-Read Stories (Mar. 29 - Apr 4)

The Evolution of General Conference: Infographic


Impress your friends with all the fun conference trivia packed into this beautiful, shareable infographic. For instance, did you know conference was cancelled once due to a flu outbreak? Or that early in its history, conference was held in St. George and Provo? And it was only in 2009 that Conference was streamed online for the first time (not so long ago)!

Check out the full graphic--and then join the buzz by sharing it with your friends!

19 Must-follow LDSConf Social Accounts & Trends


Speaking of sharing, the weekend of general conference is a great time to get into the online church scene. (Have you spied the #LDSconf in the corner of the broadcasts recently? It trends nationally on Twitter!)

Join the conversation this weekend and get started with our conference social media "cheat sheet," including 19 must-follow LDSCong social accounts and trends. From where to follow official channels like the Church and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, to other great online contributors and trends, with this list you'll be an LDSConf pro before you know!

53 Conference Activities for Kids


This list is a lifesaver for parents--these great conference-centered activities will keep kids occupied (and learning from conference), which allows parents to listen to the messages, too!

Even though it's already conference weekend, there are still a lot of great activities in this list that can be thrown together using items around the house. Make sure you're stocked up with great conference activities for kids before the next session starts!

Most-sung Conference Hymn & Other Fun Music Facts


Do you know what the most-sung conference hymn is? (Hint: it's not "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet") If statistics hold true, there's a 1 in 3 chance we'll hear it this weekend!

Find out the top 5 hymns from the last 15 years of general conferences, along with other fun music facts! (For instance, did you know that more than 20 different choirs have performed over 180 different songs in that span of time?) Impress your friends with this list of conference music trivia!

Unlikely Friends: a Mormon and a Conference Protestor

Latter-day Saint Bryan Hall and Christian street preacher Ruben Israel outside the Conference Center in Salt Lake City.

For years, Utah born-and-bred devout Mormon Bryan Hall had seen Ruben Israel and those like him yelling at members just outside some of the most uplifting Church events. He thought their antics cruel, irreverent, and ignorant. He simply could not see any good in these people.

But in Ruben Israel, he found his nemesis.

So just before the Saturday morning session of the October 2007 general conference, Hall approached Israel on the street. He may have been resolved to talk to him, but he was not quite prepared for what he saw—or for what happened next.

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