Mormon Mom's Battle with Cancer Inspires Faith in People Around the World

Jentrie Williams has always been grateful for her membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and as a 25-year-old mother of three children, faith is carrying her through her battle with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Since receiving her diagnosis in November of last year, Williams has felt that this challenge is an opportunity for her to encourage and give hope to others. Rather than turning to anger, Williams turns to God and shares the peace she feels on her blog.

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Since Williams published her first post in November, she has attracted readers from around the world, many whom have contacted her to express their appreciation for her faith. "I feel like I am making so many friends, and it’s so cool," Williams said.

"The greatest compliment anyone can give me is telling me that my blog has helped them feel the love of the Savior or if it’s helped them appreciate the monotonous days of being a mom or just anything. … Even having my blog pass through their thought process at any point during the day, what a compliment it is to me that I have helped them in any way. You couldn’t give me a greater compliment, and it makes everything worth it."

Williams' mother, Julie Nemelka, said that her daughter's blog has also inspired her.

"I'm really blessed to have some amazing kids, but I do feel like she is very special," Nemelka said. "I think she was put here to share her example and her testimony and go through this trial to strengthen others. One of her first posts that she wrote was about how she felt like this was her gift or a part of her journey that she was here to inspire others and strengthen their testimony and their knowledge."

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