Prodigal Dad: He who rules the CTRs rules the world

I can’t say that I am out for world dominance, but if I was my wife and I would definitely be on the fast track as the city North Central Ward directors of the Timpanogos area 8-year-old CTRs. (I prefer this expanded title I came up with myself.) Identifying myself as director may be a bit over the top, but it looks better on a world dominance resume. My wife prefers the simple, “CTR primary teacher.”

I have learned more about members of my ward as a primary teacher than in any other ward position I have ever served. These adorable little cherubs of candor are actually mini-microphones plugged into the ward sound system. If parents knew that the leak in undisclosed information was coming from little Madison or Michael, they would be more careful in family home evening when discussing family maladies, mayhem and mortifying moments.

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