Sponsored: Special Places Help You Connect with Family—Living and Dead


If you have ever stood in the centuries-old church where your ancestors were married, walked through a field they farmed, or reverently stood at the headstone of an ancestor, you know the power of special places. Visiting places that were significant in the lives of your ancestors can be a deeply moving experience. It helps you visualize their lives and connect with them in ways not possible any other way. Sharing that experience with loved ones deepens your bond with your living family members as well.

The Family Nexus is a unique mobile app that helps people discover significant ancestral places. The app is FamilySearch certified and integrates with a user’s FamilySearch account to automatically plot family history events on an interactive Google map. It engages users with a fun and easy-to-use interface where they can learn about their ancestors and the places they lived.

The app brings family history to your fingertips by sending alerts to your phone when you are near the birth, marriage, or burial place of an ancestor. It also alerts you on the anniversary of significant life events of your ancestors, encouraging you to spend a few minutes learning about an ancestor.

“We are happy to announce some new features that will help people interact with ancestral places in fun and exciting new ways – both in real life and virtually,” explains David Taylor, Founder of The Family Nexus. “We will announce details at RootsTech on February 28, 2018, and will also share them on our social media accounts.”

The company is on a mission to make family history more mobile and social. In addition to the new features to be announced at RootsTech, Taylor reports that an Android version is planned for release later this summer. Currently, it is only available for iOS devices.

The Family Nexus app is free in the App Store. Additional premium features are available to subscribers. You can learn more at TheFamilyNexus.com/LDS-Living.


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