Young Men Lesson 37: The Priesthood of Aaron

Manual 1; Excerpt from "The Magnificant Aaronic Priesthod," by David L. Beck

Discussion Questions
• Read the following scriptures about the types of men God has entrusted with His priesthood: Abraham 1:2; Alma 48:11–18; Helaman 10:4–7. What do these scriptures teach you about who you are and what you can become?
• In what ways was the mission of John the Baptist similar to the duties you have today as an Aaronic Priesthood bearer? (see Matthew 3:1–3; D&C 20:46–59; 84:26–28).

Excerpt from "The Magnificent Aaronic Priesthood," by David L. Beck, April 2010 General Conference:

Satan would have you think that you are too young or that there are too few of you to do significant things with the Aaronic Priesthood. None of that is true.

God’s words to Moses are for you today: “Behold, thou art my son; … and I have a work for [you]” (Moses 1:4, 6).

He has given you His power to do great things. As you fulfill your duty to God, you will strengthen and bless your family. This is your greatest priesthood duty. Listen to a mother describe the impact her son has on his family: “Leo has the priesthood in our home, and it’s a huge blessing. He’s a good example to his siblings; … he makes sure they always pray. He passes the sacrament on Sundays. His little brother sees him. He helps … with family prayer. I know that he will continue to be a blessing as he gets older. He will be able to baptize his younger brother. It’s a comfort and a gift to us.”

As you fulfill your duty to God, you will reach out to your friends who are not of our faith and help prepare them to join the Church. Like a true brother, you will watch over and strengthen them. You will lead out in the rescue of other young men who have lost their way.

As you fulfill your duty to God, you will be a force for good at all times and in every circumstance. Your righteous example and your faithful priesthood service will be a powerful way to invite all who know you to come unto Christ.

Read the full article.

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