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From barbecues to ward potlucks to firesides, Mormons love socializing around a good plate of food. And no matter what event you’re at, there are a few staple “Mormon” foods you’ll likely find. Try your hand at some of the following recipes, including Jell-O, funeral potatoes, and pasta, collected in The Essential Mormon Cookbook.
For more about Mormons heating it up in the kitchen, check out "18 Mormons Who Stood for Their Standards on Reality TV."
From cookies to casseroles, LDS Living readers have submitted hundreds of delicious recipes for contests throughout the years. Here, we bring you the winning dishes from eight of those contests. Whether you’ve got a sweet tooth or an urge for something new for dinner, you’ll love these tasty recipes from readers like you!
Jell-O? Check. Funeral potatoes? Yep. Casseroles? Of course. Behold, the holy trinity of Mormon food.
Members of the Church have a lot of unique practices and traditions when it comes to culture. From ward potluck foods to party planning, this is how your favorite things in Church culture stack up with Latter-day Saints around the world.
To artist Kent Christensen, sugar in all its many forms is "Mormon heroin." It’s also the basis for his art, which satirizes Mormons’ obsession with sweets by using candy, cakes, Jell-O and other sugary treats to recreate personal, religious and cultural symbols.
For years Mormon cuisine has been the brunt of jokes, mostly unfairly. Those jokes — about green Jell-O salads and cream-of-something casseroles — may once have held truth, but not so much anymore.
“What are you doing? You can’t use a calculator!”