Dave Says: Enough for Retirement?

Dear Dave,
I’ve heard you tell people that having $90,000 to $100,000 saved up for retirement isn’t enough. That’s what I’ve got set aside right now, and I’m pretty sure it’s all I’ll ever need. Why do you think everyone should have a million or two saved up?


Dear Tom,
The amount you’re talking about isn’t enough to retire on with any kind of dignity. If you make 10 percent off your money over time it means you’re living on just $10,000 a year. That’s below the poverty level.

Don’t misunderstand my message. I’m not about being greedy, and money is not the key to happiness. Money is good for three things – personal security, helping others, and it’s good for fun. You need to do some of all three.

What I am about is changing my family tree. With money we can create and leave behind the training and resources to make a huge positive difference in the world. I want good people to have big piles of money in order to do good things.

This is true of my own family, too. I don’t want to leave my kids in a situation where they have lots of money and no sense of responsibility. I want to train them to be responsible and generous so they can really bust loose with that big pile of cash they’ll inherit one day. I want them to be able to have an impact three generations down the line in our own family and to impact the world around them in a fabulous way!


* For more financial help please visit daveramsey.com.

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