Jesus loves ALL the weirdos.

I spent Sunday evening at a friend’s house, enjoying a “Father’s Day BBQ”, as if we need an excuse to get together. We were talking and laughing, and someone brought up our Sunday school lesson on the Word of Wisdom. My ward has two really good Sunday school teachers, and our lesson was as usual, a good one. As with any ward, my ward has it’s share of “characters” (I should know, I’m pretty sure I am one). We always have a couple of comments that I think are nutty, and I generally make comments that a few other people view similarly. As my friends were all talking, I blurted out, “I love our ward”. It’s true, I love it. I had some reservations moving back into the ward I grew up in, but it’s been wonderful. My former YW leaders welcomed me and my family, and made us feel instantly at home. There are plenty of new families and we’ve made some really good friends, and I’ve found a neighborhood book club full of women who have similar views on life as I do.

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