The Mormon Bachelor finishes series of dates tonight

In a pair of vintage-inspired frames from the 1950s, a young, athletically built man steps into the camera view and launches into the reasons he’s the ideal Mormon bachelor, why he, Rick Buck, should be a woman’s next date. “I have many sides to me,” he says. “I have so many layers that you can just peel away, one after one. For instance, how about this side?”

He snaps his fingers and the camera changes to Exhibit A: “Rick, the Connoisseur of Art,” chattering sophisticatedly about Greek sculpture and Renaissance art to prove he is a man of culture.

Exhibit B shows “Rick, the compassionate football star,” wearing a bright blue letterman’s jacket.

The video flashes from one personality to another, previewing himself as a vegetarian hippie, a newsie with a New York accent, a meditative ninja, Batman, and eventually, his career self — dentist.

It wraps up with a disclaimer: “Rick is not a creeper. Nor a ninja. And certainly not a newsie. But he is a superhero.”

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