Recipe Contest: Funeral Potatoes Bake-Off


We recently did a blog about this yummy Mormon favorite, and it went viral! No doubt about it: we Mormons love our funeral potatoes. And now’s your chance to prove that your funeral potatoes are the best!

Submit your recipe for funeral potatoes for a shot at winning a $100 gift card to Deseret Book and a chance to be featured in the Home Cooking section of an upcoming LDS Living magazine. 

Here are the rules (you must abide by each for your recipe to be considered):

1) Recipes must be original. Renaming other recipes simply won’t do; we’re looking for your best recipes, not Campbell’s or Hormel’s. Family recipes are great, but if you’ve improved on a “canned” recipe until it’s totally your own, that’s okay, too.  

2) Recipes must be for a type of potato casserole. There’s not a lot of consensus on what “funeral potatoes” are—every family defines it just a little differently. So bring on the variations! Cornflakes? Breadcrumbs? Ritz crackers? Just cheese? Scalloped potatoes? Shredded potatoes? We want to try it all! 

3) Submit the recipe with your full name, e-mail address, home city and state, and a valid daytime phone number by Sunday, May 4, 2014. (LDS Living will use this information only to get a hold of you in the event that you win; we will not use it for marketing or other purposes.)

If you have a photo of the potatoes, please submit it, but photos are not required.

E-mail recipes to (Email the editor.)

We will be testing and ranking the recipes after we receive them. The top recipe will get a $100 Deseret Book gift card, and all winners will be featured along with the runners-up in an upcoming issue of LDS Living magazine!

*By submitting your recipe, you are giving LDS Living the right to publish it on our website and/or in our magazine.

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