
What Huge Numbers for the #BecauseHeLives Video Say About the Church's International Outreach

Viewers accessed "Because He Lives" 88.5 times per second throughout Easter Sunday, but the success of the eight-day LDS effort to share a two-minute video of Christ was about more than staggering numbers.

Though there were plenty of those.

The video was watched nearly 30 million times, according to the missionary department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That's five times more viewers than saw last year's LDS Easter video.

The largest figure, however, was 329 million — the number of times people visiting YouTube's homepage on Sunday saw at least part of a 15-second clip of "Because He Lives." The clip automatically ran whenever someone opened the Youtube homepage.

But what was most noteworthy wasn't the sheer number of people who saw all or part of the video. It was where they were.

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