Young Women Lesson 23: Forgiveness

Manual 1; Excerpt from "Forgiveness," by President Gordon B. Hinckley

Discussion Questions
• What does it mean to forgive others? Why is it important to forgive others?
• How can we forgive someone who has really hurt us?
• How have you felt when you have forgiven someone? How have you felt when someone has forgiven you?

Excerpt from "Forgiveness," by President Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2005 General Conference:

Age does something to a man. It seems to make him more aware of the need for kindness and goodness and forbearance. He wishes and prays that men might live together in peace without war and contention, argument and conflict. He grows increasingly aware of the meaning of the great Atonement of the Redeemer, of the depth of His sacrifice, and of gratitude to the Son of God, who gave His life that we might live.

I wish today to speak of forgiveness. I think it may be the greatest virtue on earth, and certainly the most needed. There is so much of meanness and abuse, of intolerance and hatred. There is so great a need for repentance and forgiveness. It is the great principle emphasized in all of scripture, both ancient and modern.

In all of our sacred scripture, there is no more beautiful story of forgiveness than that of the prodigal son found in the 15th chapter of Luke. Everyone should read and ponder it occasionally.

Read the full talk.

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