Ann N. Madsen is the mother of four including a Navajo foster son, a grandmother of sixteen and great-grandmother of 48 and counting.
She received her BS Degree from the University of Utah, her MA degree from BYU in Ancient Studies with a minor in Hebrew. Her children and grandchildren would be quick to tell of the “teaching moments” she finds at the slightest question.
Sister Madsen has taught religion courses at BYU since 1976, including Old Testament, New Testament, Isaiah, and an honors course, which she developed, called, “Old Testament Roots of the Book of Mormon.” Her published works include Making Their Own Peace and Opening Isaiah: A Harmony, co-authored with Shon Hopkins, plus a DVD by the same title, which she filmed in Jerusalem.
Her church service has included: Mission President's wife (New England Mission 1962-65), Stake Relief Society President (BYU 8th Stake and later Sharon East Stake) and Jerusalem Branch Relief Society President 1991-1993. She served as a member of the General Board of the Sunday School beginning in 2009.