Ashley Bardsley

August 23, 2012 04:05 AM MDT
There’s an issue in our culture I feel just has to be discussed. It has to do with harassment: specifically, asking women when they are going to have babies.
2 Min Read
November 07, 2011 05:01 AM MST
Last weekend there was a huge storm that came through the New England area. We found ourselves smack in the middle of its path, and just when I was taking a batch of cupcakes out of the oven, everything went dark. I know, at least the cupcakes were okay.
2 Min Read
September 22, 2011 04:06 AM MDT
A year or so ago I was teaching a young women lesson about modesty. One of the Mia Maids asked if leggings were considered modest. This was only a tad awkward because there was a girl in the class wearing leggings under her miniskirt. I said something like, “When wondering if something is modest, ask yourself if you would feel comfortable if the prophet walked in the room.” I know, totally a mom answer.
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July 21, 2011 04:00 AM MDT
On the 24th of July I usually look forward to playing outside, popsicles, and water activities. This year I will be sure to take time to really think about what the day means.
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June 10, 2011 05:30 PM MDT
Over the past couple of years I have had the super unique opportunity to travel for my job—a jobby, I like to call it (cross between job and hobby. Are we all on the same page? Good). After countless airplane rides, layovers, slices of airport pizza, movies on the plane, and airport security lines, I have made it to 10 countries and 22 cities. This may not sound like very much to some of you—and that is because you are well traveled—but for this cautious Utah girl, it has been life changing.
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May 11, 2011 03:17 PM MDT
This past week I was reminded of the phrase, “Never suppress a generous thought.” Let me explain.
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April 25, 2011 04:09 AM MDT
Blogger jealousy. I feel pretty confident when I say that we have probably all had it at one point or another.
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March 18, 2011 02:51 PM MDT
Journal writing. Probably one in 400 people do it, yet we are told by leaders of the Church it is something we should be doing. Why? Because we are a record-keeping people, of course. I mean, how fun is it to look back at journal entries after years and remember special experiences you probably would have forgotten about?
2 Min Read
March 07, 2011 03:53 PM MST
Let’s just start out by saying I am a terrible cook. There, I said it. The crazy part is I really enjoy cooking despite the fact that most things I make turn out really bad. It is amazing how one can manage to follow the cake mix directions perfectly and not have the cake come out like the picture on the box. You also know its bad when you can’t even get the Easy Bake Oven to pop out something edible. So from a young age I decided cooking would just come to me when I grew up. I guess I am still waiting to grow up since that talent still hasn’t presented itself.
1 Min Read