Brad Wilcox

Bradley R. Wilcox was born in Provo, Utah, on December 25, 1959. He and his wife, Deborah Gunnell, have four children. He was sustained as the second counselor in the Young Men general presidency on April 4, 2020. He has served in several Church callings, including full-time missionary in the Chile Vina del Mar Mission, bishop, mission president of the Chile Santiago East Mission, counselor in a YSA stake presidency, and member of the Sunday School general board. Most recently, he served as high councilor and stake Young Men president. He is currently a professor in BYU’s Department of Ancient Scripture. He is the author of the book The Continuous Atonement and the BYU devotional address “His Grace Is Sufficient.”

August 08, 2022 07:00 AM MDT
As members of the Church, we have been given a noble birthright and have been set apart to help gather scattered Israel and build the kingdom of God on the earth. But what exactly does that mean?
6 Min Read
August 02, 2021 10:49 AM MDT
There are no restrictions on preparing for patriarchal blessings and helping others prepare. Here are three ideas that can help.
5 Min Read
April 21, 2021 12:02 PM MDT
The following excerpt originally ran on LDS Living in April 2017. Changed through His Grace is now available as a Pocket Gospel Classic.
7 Min Read
February 12, 2020 07:00 PM MST
Editor's note: This week's Come, Follow Me study includes 2 Nephi 9 which teaches about the Atonement. We wanted to reshare this article from our 2015 archives that gives more insights on this important topic.
5 Min Read
January 10, 2020 10:56 PM MST
A newlywed couple was discussing comfort food. The bride said, “My family loves Shepherd’s Pie.” The groom had never heard of that. He said, “One of my family’s favorites is Hamburger Bean Casserole.” The wife scrunched up her nose and responded, “I don’t think I would like that.” Little did they know that they were using different names for the exact same dish. How sad it would be if the couple began to argue about whose family’s comfort food was best!
5 Min Read
December 23, 2019 11:05 AM MST
My wife’s ancestors Parshall and Hannah Terry lived in Palmyra, New York, and knew the Prophet Joseph Smith. Their son Jacob was the exact same age as Joseph and was his schoolmate and friend. In 1817, three years before the First Vision, the Terry family moved from New York to Canada and lost contact with the Smiths until 1837, when missionaries taught them. The family was amazed to learn about all that had transpired with the Smith family. The Terrys were baptized the following year and moved to Missouri, anxious to reconnect with their friends the Smiths. Instead, they got there just in time to be expelled from the state because of the extermination order.
4 Min Read
August 03, 2019 02:00 PM MDT
Over the last couple centuries, a lot of questions have surrounded the Book of Mormon—queries about its origins, its authenticity, and its teachings have been perpetuated by skeptic and believer alike. The book's contents are no different. From the first writings of Nephi to the dying testimony of Moroni, the Book of Mormon contains questions from an astounding 61 individuals—including prophets, missionaries, investigators, and apostates. Alma the Younger asked a grand total of 103 questions, Nephi posed 41, and the Savior Himself included 35 questions during his short ministry among the Nephites.
4 Min Read
July 05, 2019 11:00 AM MDT
Imagine a wealthy family in Old Testament times: father, mother, four sons, and three daughters. Who gets the money when Dad dies? Most would point to the firstborn son, but that’s just partly right. If Dad has four sons, his estate is divided into five equal shares. All the sons receive a portion, but the eldest, who has the birthright, receives two—a double portion. The three younger brothers leave with their portions, but the eldest doesn’t go anywhere because with his extra portion comes added responsibility. He is expected to care for his mother and provide dowries so his sisters can be properly married. Even after his mother and sisters are gone, he will stay to govern the affairs of his father’s estate. Of course he will marry and have his own family, but he will spend the rest of his life fulfilling his birthright responsibilities.
7 Min Read
May 01, 2019 07:26 PM MDT
After receiving her endowment, one sister said to me, “I was disappointed I didn’t see more about Christ’s Atonement.” I was stunned. She may as well have said she just walked through a forest and didn’t see any trees. As our discussion continued, it became clear she had expected to see portrayals of Christ’s suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, pictures of Him on the cross, and depictions of His empty tomb, so she was surprised when none of these were presented directly.
5 Min Read
January 22, 2019 10:00 PM MST
My sister-in-law Cheryl Harward Wilcox came to value the sacrament much more as she helped care for her mother, Melva, until she passed away at age 92. Melva was in the hospital in Payson, Utah, when it was decided that there was nothing more that could be done except to keep her as comfortable as possible until she passed on. As preparations were being made to transport her back to her home, two brethren from a local ward came into the room and asked Cheryl if her mother would like the sacrament. At first, Cheryl told them, “No, thank you.” Her mom could hardly swallow. Then Cheryl said, “On second thought, let me ask her.” Cheryl leaned close to her mother’s ear and said, “There are two priesthood holders here. Would you like to try to take the sacrament?”
3 Min Read
December 31, 2018 01:43 PM MST
One question that Alma asked the people of Zarahemla is “Do you look forward with an eye of faith?” (Alma 5:15). What does this mean, and how can we look forward with an eye of faith?
5 Min Read
December 08, 2018 01:47 PM MST
Christ cares for us individually. The inverted five-point stars found on the Nauvoo Temple are symbols of Christ, the “bright and morning star” (Revelation 22:16), reaching down to earth and inviting us to reach up to Him. . . .
5 Min Read
December 05, 2018 10:00 PM MST
In Matthew we read of wise men of the East (see Matthew 2:1-12) who followed a star to bring gifts to the child Jesus. The Bible Dictionary explains that these were not scholars or astrologers but spiritually sensitive and knowledgeable "prophets on a divine errand." God led the prophet Lehi and his family to the Americas. Is it not possible that He led other faithful Israelites to other parts of the world? We have the sticks of Judah and Joseph, but we will one day have the sticks of other tribes as well. Wherever the wise men were and whatever tribe they were from, they, like Lehi and Nephi, knew of Christ and were looking forward to His coming.
2 Min Read
December 01, 2018 02:00 PM MST
Are we allowed to choose a favorite Christmas symbol? It’s almost as tricky as picking a favorite general authority, scripture, or hymn. Nevertheless, I choose poinsettias. I love the vivid green and red colors that surround us each December. I even love poinsettias when they are white, pink, or marbled. Most of all, I love the legend of how we got poinsettias in the first place.
4 Min Read
November 28, 2018 10:49 PM MST
One December, I saw a clever sign on the marquee of a Christian church: “Christmas is not your birthday!” I got their point, but I still had to disagree because I was born right on December 25th. When I was younger, my parents were afraid my birthday would get overlooked in the holiday rush, so they made a big banner that hung in our home: “Happy Birthday to Jesus and Brad!” They also started a tradition of putting up two trees—one for Jesus and one for me. The idea was that my brothers would put a present for me under each tree—a plan that worked well until my older brother bought me a pair of mittens. He placed one mitten under the Christmas tree and the other under the birthday tree, and everything went downhill from there. These days, most of my gifts come with a “Merry Birthday” card to cover both occasions. Here’s one I received from my cousin:
6 Min Read
July 09, 2018 12:00 PM MDT
When I was a young father struggling to balance the demands of school with work, callings, and raising my family, I sometimes found myself feeling overwhelmed. One day I read in the scriptures about the foreknowledge of God—He knows the end from the beginning (Abraham 2:8; Helaman 8:8)—and the thought bothered me a great deal. I kept thinking if all things are present before His eyes (Acts 17:26; Doctrine and Covenants 38:2), then that meant God knew right then how my life would turn out. He knew whether or not I would enter the celestial kingdom, and sadly, I didn’t think I would.
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March 07, 2018 05:34 PM MST
All my life I thought Big Ben was a famous clock tower in London. I was absolutely sure of it and had even taught that fact to others. Then I went to London and found out that Big Ben is actually the nickname of the largest bell inside the tower, which is now called the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. And if we are going to get picky, it’s not even officially in London, but rather in Westminster. In that moment, the bell and the tower had not changed, but my understanding certainly did.
6 Min Read
February 19, 2018 02:08 PM MST
In place of faith in Christ, some choose disbelief. When people say, “There is no God,” or, “The Church isn’t true,” their words can put us on the defensive. However, such comments are sometimes attempts to justify poor choices and avoid change. When we listen beyond the words, the message really being communicated in such cases is, “I’ve sinned and don’t want to repent.”
6 Min Read