Roberta North was lucky enough to be born in Alaska where she was the second of six children. Roberta is single, never married, but is the mother to many, including her nieces and nephews. Even her best best friends call her "Aunt" and it warms her heart.
Roberta served a mission in Albuquerque, New Mexico, under the greatest mission president ever, President Donald G. Whitney, where her love for the scriptures came alive. She has taught gospel doctrine for most of the past eight years.
Her father had a saying, “Never let your schooling interfere with your education” and she has taken that to heart. Roberta has been blessed to travel the world—48 countries—including all eight continents! (yes, there are eight). Learning and soaking up the cultures from around the world became her passion. From India and Nepal came the knowledge of the Hindu. From China and Bhutan came the knowledge of Buddha. From Egypt, Jordan and Turkey came the knowledge of Islam. From this, Roberta has developed a greater understanding that we are all truly the Children of the same loving God.
Because she has ended up in the Middle East, Israel, and Egypt so often, they became part of who she is. Roberta has spent years studying the traditions and history of the Jews, which led her to her study of Hebrew.
She also have a passion for all things Egyptian and looks forward to returning there when the pandemic is over.