
There are 728 results that match your search. 728 results
This is the perfect main course for a special-occasion dinner. Easy to prepare, delicious, and pretty, this dish is one we often turn to when we want something extraordinary. It’s easy to double, and why not? The leftovers are just as amazing the next day!
Pecans, coconut, and bittersweet chocolate—always a winning combination. This easy dessert is perfect for picnics or parties. Be sure to make lots, because they don’t last long!
Making a gourmet breakfast—that doesn't sound much like a prank to me. But Random Acts recently went around BYU campus searching for sleeping students. The students then woke up to a delicious meal prepared just for them. Check out their hilarious reactions.
J-E-L-L-O. (Did you sing that in Bill Cosby’s voice? Good.)