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On Wednesday, August 22 and Thursday, August 23 “World News with Diane Sawyer” aired a two-part report “Inside the Mormon Church” from ABC’s Dan Harris. In introducing the series Diane Sawyer said — “It’s a time of change in America. In the last 12 years alone we have seen the election of the first black President, the first Jewish candidate on a major ticket — Senator Joe Lieberman, and next week, another breakthrough – the first Mormon nominee for President, a profound and historic moment for the Mormon faith, which is a still a mystery to a lot of people. So tonight, Dan Harris begins a two-part series, answering questions about this uniquely American religion.”
In the latest video and blog postin the “How I Hear Him” series, Primary General President Joy D. Jones shares an experience when she heard in her mind the name of a woman, followed by the words, “Call now!”
When he was a small boy, President Henry B. Eyring, first counselor in the LDS Church's First Presidency, had a dream in which he sensed the Savior Jesus Christ was gently leading and guiding him along with a light rope. The image and feelings associated with the dream have been a great source of strength throughout his life. Decades later, the dream has become a theme for the church leader's biography, "I Will Lead You Along: The Life of Henry B. Eyring."
A new four-part series from the Church News highlighting the essential role of councils in the Church gives a look inside meetings in the Church Administration Building like you have never seen them before. In the first part of the series, readers get a glimpse into the weekly First Presidency meeting attended by President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring.
In a Church News video, viewers get a peek at what it looks like when the First Presidency discuss matters together as a council.
The Mormon Channel is helping parents to talk to their children about healthy sexuality in a series of videos featuring licensed family counselors.
We've all been at the point in our lives where we feel like we are barely holding on, we can't possibly do one more thing, and then a Church calling or service project comes up. How can we manage it all? Sister Eubank from the Relief Society General Presidency shares some great insights.
Mull has written a total of four series that have made The New York Times bestseller list in the last decade and a half.