Sponsored: Celebrate Christmas with “The Forgotten Carols” – Reimagined!


2019 Tour Includes 19 Performances in 11 Cities in Utah, Idaho and Arizona


The Forgotten Carols has spread the joy of the Christmas season for nearly three decades, and this year’s tour includes 21 performances throughout Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. And this season features a new, reimagined version of the Christmas classic.

Over the years, Michael McLean’s modest one-man show has evolved into a huge Broadway-style production performed for more than a million people throughout the United States and the world, including shows in Ireland, Germany, England, and even Ukraine. And now, after 28 years, McLean is surprising his loyal audiences with significant changes to the classic story! 


“This year I’ve completely reimagined the story,” explained McLean. “For a few years now, my son and I have been thinking about updating the story, and this year we decided to dive in and do it. Fans will hear the same songs and see the same characters but have a completely new experience. I’ve never been so excited to present the show!” 

This new storyline for the play emerged from McLean’s work on a screenplay for a feature film of ‘The Forgotten Carols.’ “After we wrote the screenplay for the film, there were so many elements we fell in love with that just had to be in the stage version,” said McLean. “And the changes we’ve made just feel right. They make the characters deeper, the story more spiritual, and the experience that much richer. 


 So, if you’ve been coming for years – come again! And if you’re a new fan – you won’t want to miss your chance to see what we are calling The Forgotten Carols – Reimagined!” quipped McLean. 

The Forgotten Carols 2019 tour launches in late November. For a complete listing of dates and locations or to purchase tickets visit www.forgottencarols.com.


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