
14 Hilarious Mormon Moments We Can All Relate To


As Mormons, we know there are moments that are uniquely ours—like when we forget it's fast Sunday after making breakfast or when we pick up our missionaries from the airport. There's just no denying these moments scream Mormon. 

So we've put together a few of these hilarious moments that you probably know all too well. 

1. When you realize it's fast Sunday right after making breakfast.

2. When the Elders Quorum finds creative solutions for moving day.

3. When you pick up your missionary at the airport. 

4. The first Sunday you switch from 1 p.m. church to 9 a.m. church.

5. When you finally get your mission call in the mail.

6. When the Primary program is so cute, funny, and amazing you just can't stand it.

7. When you're in a rush to get ready for early morning seminary. 

8. How you feel after you give the best missionary farewell talk of all time.

9. How you feel when you go to your first church basketball game.

10. When you have the perfect set up to watch general conference.

11. When you leave for trek/Young Women camp/Boy Scout camp for the first time.

12. When you nail your part in the ward choir on Sunday.

13. When everyone brings all your favorite foods to the ward potluck.

14. When you close your hymn book and then realize there was a fourth verse.

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