As the open house begins for the Rome Italy Temple today, we wanted to share some behind-the-scenes images of the awe-inspiring, Christ-centered stained glass window created by Holdman Studios now displayed in the adjoining temple visitors' center. View the window from its early stages of development and creation to the placement of the last panel before the window was shipped to Italy as well as other inspiring details within the window.
In Progress
All images on this page are courtesy of Erin Pritchett and Holdman Studios

Tom Holdman sketches out designs of the Come unto Me window.

(Above and below) From the concept art, lead lines are drawn and a pattern made. The 6,000 pattern pieces were selected for color and value.

Tom Holdman picking out the best glass pieces to fit into a panel of the Come unto Me window.

Gayle Holdman works on the Come unto Me window's middle panel.

Tom Holdman assembles stained glass pieces for the Come unto Me window over a light table.
Final Touches
All images on this page unless otherwise indicated are by Jed Wells
All hands on deck soldering the final curved panel. Photo from Ering Pritchett and Holdman Studios.

The last panel of the Come unto Me window is carried into a workroom at Holdman Studio's Lehi location.

Tom Holdman and some of his team secure the last panel into the five-paneled stained glass window at the Holdman Studio's Lehi studio before being transported to Italy.

Tom Holdman putting the last touches onto the image of the Prodigal Son. Photo courtesy of Erin Pritchett and Holdman Studios.

Jason Zander and Cameron Oscarson installing the final panels in place at the Rome temple visitors' center. Photo courtesy of Aaron Yorgenson and Doug Soelberg.
A Closer Look

Photo by Jed Wells.

Photo courtesy of Erin Pritchett and Holdman Studios.

Photo by Jed Wells.

Photo courtesy of Erin Pritchett and Holdman Studios.

Photo by Jed Wells.

(Above and below) Trying to portray the moment as Peter looks retrospectively into himself as he gains his testimony that this is truly the Christ. Photos courtesy of Erin Pritchett and Holdman Studios.