The impressive professional resume of President Henry B. Eyring, his degree in the rigorous field of physics and time spent as president of Ricks College, sometimes pigeonholes our perception of him as a logical and deliberate sort of person. But as hisbiography reveals, President Eyring is also an artist. For a time, his artwork was on display at the Church History Museum.

“Hal particularly enjoyed drawing and painting as he traveled,” the book, I Will Lead You Along, explains. “He took postcard-sized art paper and, while waiting in an airport or taking a private moment in the home of a generous host, would capture a scene of an intriguing place or person. On a long trip, Kathy and the children might receive one of these original postcards in the mail. Upon his return home, Hal would send a similar custom-made thank-you note to his host.” In addition to sketching and painting, President Eyring also loves wood carving, a skill that President Boyd K. Packer helped tutor him in.
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We might not ever personally receive one of these treasured, hand-crafted notes, but we can enjoy President Eyring’s artistic style and see what matters most to President Eyring in these featured pieces of his paintings, sketches, and carvings:

All images from Newsroom and I Will Lead You Along.

And to see more of President Eyring’s artwork and read journal entries from his daily life, check out I Will Lead You Along, by Robert Eaton and Henry J. Eyring, available at Deseret Book.