Latter-day Saint Life

Defending Motherhood Just Takes 3 Words


Motherhood is not an easy role, especially when others question your decision to become a mother. And while these confrontations can happen at home, at work, at school, or within your circle of family and friends, there are three simple words that can defend motherhood in a special way. Here's why this defense works. 

It works because it speaks to everyone present, not just the person you’re addressing. Your children are often listening, and they need to hear it. YOU are listening, and perhaps you need to hear it most of all.

It works because it’s true.

It works because these three words are a testimony. Your testimony. Your understanding of God’s whole glorious plan, and your personal commitment to that plan, all rolled into a phrase that takes less than two seconds to say. And when you speak testimony of something true, even in just three words, the Spirit of God can echo them deep inside someone’s heart.

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