Brent A. Barlow

November 17, 2018 01:00 PM MST
I firmly believe that many married couples today unknowingly get into situations—traps, if you will—that can be harmful to marriage. This may be out of ignorance, apathy, or innocence, or any combination of the three. One such trap is the idea of “togetherness.”
6 Min Read
July 17, 2018 12:00 PM MDT
Among all the glorious gospel verities given of God to his people there is scarcely a doctrine so sweet, so soul-satisfying, and so soul sanctifying, as the one which proclaims—
8 Min Read
June 13, 2018 01:00 PM MDT
A young LDS woman drove down from Salt Lake City a short time ago to see me. I had recently spoken in her stake on marriage, and she came, she said, to thank me for telling a particular story. She said it triggered the transition from her decision to divorce to her decision to stay married. You may have heard the story before. It is called "Acres of Diamonds."
4 Min Read