From the Church

Church Creates 5 Stakes, Calls 29 New Stake Presidents in July


From Mozambique to Brazil and Switzerland to Canada, learn more about the new stake presidents called to serve around the world.

Five new stakes have been created.

A new stake has been created from the Boa Vista Brazil District. The Boa Vista Brazil Stake, which consists of the Buritis, Cambará, Canaã, Caçari and Floresta wards, was created by Elder Claudio R. M. Costa, General Authority Seventy, and Elder Edvaldo B. Pinto Jr., an Area Seventy.

BOA VISTA BRAZIL STAKE (May 7, 2017): President—Alcenir Gomes de Souza, 41, senior legal counselor; wife, Danielle Cunha Queiroz de Souza. Counselors—Fidel Carlos Menezes da Silva Sr., 32, commercial representative, JBS; wife, Jessica Nayara Alencar Menezes Silva; Ramiz Sampaio Mota, 37, assistant administrator, CERR; wife, Ana Lucia Chee-A-Tow Barbosa Mota.

A new stake has been created from the Klein Texas Stake. The Tomball Texas Stake, which consists of the Champions, Gleannloch Farms, Inverness, Magnolia 1st, Memorial Springs, Parkway and Tomball 2nd wards, was created by Elder Von G. Keetch, General Authority Seventy, and Elder Leonard D. Greer, an Area Seventy.

TOMBALL TEXAS STAKE (May 21, 2017): President—Samuel Gary Bikman, 48, senior vice president, Daikin/Goodman; wife, Melissa Kay Bikman. Counselors—David John Peterson, 47, product management, Hewlett-Packard; wife, Kelly Wilcox Peterson. Matthew Wayne Strader, 45, seminaries and institutes coordinator and teacher, LDS Church; wife, Jennifer N. Evans Strader.

A new stake has been created from the Beira Mozambique District. The Beira Mozambique Stake, which consists of the Baixa, Macurungo, Maraza, Munhava and Palmeiras wards, was created by Elder Stanley G. Ellis, General Authority Seventy.

BEIRA MOZAMBIQUE STAKE (March 19, 2017): President—Elías Joaquim, 63, office manager, Manuel de Almeida, Lda; wife, Fátima Mucheape Joaquim. Counselors—Carlos Alexandre Chivale, 37, coordinator, Care for Life; wife, Anabela João Chaúque Chivale. Rui Alberto Castigo Moda, 47, police officer; wife, Maria da Costa Manuel.

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