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Elder Andersen’s powerful response to an Instagram comment about miracles

Lest you think the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are disconnected from the thousands of individuals reading and commenting on their social media pages, Elder Neil L. Andersen just went the extra mile to show how much he is paying attention.

On July 7, Elder Andersen shared a heartfelt message on his Instagram and Facebook pages about praying for and anticipating miracles.

A question was left on the post by a devoted mother who asked, “Does it take more faith to expect a miracle or keep believing even when you don’t receive a miracle? … I feel like I want to keep my faith alive and protect it in case the miracle I want is not God’s will. How can I reconcile these ideas?”

So on Thursday, July 21, Elder Andersen personally answered her question by sharing his thoughts in a new social media post and including a related video from President Russell M. Nelson’s April 2021 general conference talk. Elder Andersen wrote:

Let me share with you—and others who are reading this post—my thoughts on this subject. I can see in your Instagram profile you were surrounded by a beautiful family. It helped me to begin my faith in miracles by seeing the miracles that are happening every day—the beauties of nature, ability to walk and breathe, the goodness we can see in the people around us, and, of course in your case, the miracles that have occurred in the creation of your beautiful family.

The life of each child born into this world is a miracle, as they learn how to trust their parents, how to talk and walk, and to pray. With the miracles of everyday life clearly imbedded in our spirits, we learn to trust that as we petition the Lord, those things that will be right—those answers to prayers, those challenges that seem not to have answers—we can pray for and believe in. It is true that not all will be answered in the timetable we would choose, but even then, we can feel peace in the answers that come to us.

We love Elder Andersen’s commitment and dedication to ministering to “the one” by answering such a heartfelt, important question.

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You can watch the video and read Elder Andersen’s entire post below.

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