Gabrielle Shiozawa

November 08, 2022 06:00 AM MST
Whenever Gerry Schlette had an especially difficult day teaching respiratory therapy classes at Union County College in Cranford, New Jersey, he would go into his office, close the door, pull the blinds down, and listen to BYU’s Vocal Point.
8 Min Read
September 13, 2022 05:00 AM MDT
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we’ve all heard different ideas about how to spend our Sundays. So what has the Church actually said about keeping the Sabbath day holy?
6 Min Read
August 11, 2021 12:00 PM MDT
I didn’t anticipate being thrust into the throes of grief as soon as I was. Yet it was in that harrowing space that I grew in profound ways. The spiritual experiences I had while struggling through my sorrow taught me lessons I would never exchange, despite the pain it took to get there.
8 Min Read