October Magnify Book Club: Prophets See Around Corners by Sheri Dew
Welcome to The Magnify Book Club! We want YOU to be in the club, so join us here and on Instagram as we discuss what we’re reading as a community, and how these picks are inspiring new thoughts and bringing us closer to the Savior! This week, we’re focusing on Sheri Dew’s recent book Prophets See Around Corners.
You can gather with your own group or tune in here for our virtual book club discussion—or both! In this episode, Kathryn is joined by executive editor of the Church News, Sarah Jane Weaver, and they discuss the role of modern prophets, Sarah’s experience working and serving alongside prophets, and their testimonies of how prophets see around corners.
Purchase Sheri Dew’s book here! And join @MagnifyCommunity on Instagram to see more book club details!