
The Path is Exciting! with Cristi Brazao

Tue Nov 28 05:00:21 EST 2023

Do you hear the story of the prodigal son and relate a little too much to feeling like there is no way back? What if we thought about the covenant path being something exciting?

Even if we aren’t all the way there, the Father will run to meet us where we are.
Cristi Brazao

Magnify contributor Cristi Brazao is here to discuss Elder Uchtdorf’s recent general conference address “The Prodigal and the Road that Leads Home.” Cristi’s busy schedule with her four children, as well as assistant professor duties, has led her to some interesting spiritual reminders that she shares in this episode.

Cristi’s three spiritual takeaways

  • His love is everlasting:
    • The Savior and His atonement can help us wipe away the feeling that we don’t deserve His love. The Lord will follow us as far as we wander, and he will rejoice when we are back. His love is bountiful for both those who have wandered, and those who strive to stay on the path.
  • The path is exciting:

    • In the story of the prodigal son, there are two different people who experience the path. Perhaps we can find ourselves as both the brother who leaves all behind, and the brother who stays. At different points in the story, they each felt that the path was difficult or not worth it. But the part that is exciting is that at the end, there is a feast, and it's a celebration for both!
  • I can rejoice with angels:
    • There are people on both sides of the veil here to cheer us on as we walk the covenant path. We need each other on the path, and by sharing our stories, we will find that we are rejoicing with angels.

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