This is my second time 'round the pregnancy cycle (check out my first stab at pregnancy fashion) . . . and this time I'm chasing a busy toddler boy. AND I'm going to be pregnant through the long, hot summer. My priority is comfort.
Most days I would write this blog and include just one item:

Men's pajama pants.
(Old Navy)
But, let's face it, I have to go to the store every once in a while, and I feel better when I've put a little effort in. So, without further ado, here are my top fashion picks for a comfortable and cute pregnancy:
Basics I've tried:

Best skirt ever. Not actually maternity, but it's still comfortable and forgiving. And since it's long, you don't have to worry about hanging out anywhere you don't want. In the words of a friend, "Maxi skirts are a gift from God." Thankfully it comes in different colors and patterns--so you really can say goodbye to jeans. Mostly . . .

Pants are essential every once in a while--like climbing after my son at the park? Not so easy in a skirt. These demi-panel jeans have fit the bill for both pregnancies so far. They gap a little in the back, and they get uncomfortable further on in pregnancy--so I'm still searching for a perfect maternity jean (suggestions welcome).

Liz Lange Maternity tops rock. They're affordable and super comfortable. And I really love this top (in fact, I'm wearing it as I write this). There are lots of other basic tops in this line that are cute and comfortable, such as:

Photo from Target - Short-sleeve Side-ruched tee
I also got the following dress from Target; the belt is great for maternity because you can use it with cardigans and sweaters to create a belly division (see below). And again, with the maxi dress--really, they're the best.

Looks I love:
The good news is a lot of these things incorporate typical items from a non-pregnant wardrobe. There's even a tutorial (at the bottom) for using your non-maternity jeans while pregnant!
Jackets and cardis:

From Mom and Baby Beautiful.
(Obviously the top would need to come a little higher on the chest.)

From Simply Maternity.
Comfy but cute.

From My Chic Bump.
Other ways to use a belt:

From Sammie So Far.
It even works with bigger bellies.


Perfect. (I think I like stripes.)

There's got to be an easy sewing pattern for this somewhere . . .

From A Beautiful Mess.
How to make your own belly band!
(Note: A great one-stop for ideas is this pregnancy fashion page on Tumblr.)
So there you have it! Some pretty easy ways to look cute and be comfortable while pregnant. What's one item you've loved during pregnancy, clothing or otherwise?