Temple Worship

Our favorite resources for anyone preparing to enter the temple

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How can we help our loved ones prepare to enter the temple? What can we talk about outside the walls of the temple?
Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

If you’re looking for resources to help someone who recently attended the temple for the first time, here are a few of our favorite articles, podcasts, books, and social media posts they may find useful. We hope these resources increase the peace we feel entering the temple.


3 simple questions to ask yourself each time you participate in the endowment

Reflecting on specific questions during a temple endowment session can help you prepare to receive personalized direction from the Spirit.

What are the 5 covenants made in the temple endowment?

Sharing appropriate details can help prepare those entering the temple for the first time, so they are not surprised by what takes place.

3 powers given in the temple endowment to those who continue on the covenant path

“Although we have not yet arrived to a ‘fulness’ of the priesthood and glory of God, … we have received promised blessings from God for those who enter and continue on the covenant path and some of those promised blessings are available to us here and now in mortality.”

How can the Book of Mormon help me understand what happens in the temple?

These 10 moments from the Book of Mormon reveal beautiful insights about temple covenants.

Use these 3 ideas to deepen your temple worship and find more happiness

Applying three ideas to our temple worship can expand our personal understanding of sacred things, bring us closer to Christ, and turn the temple into what author Melinda Brown calls, “our happiness project.”

4 genius ways to study the temple from one of our favorite scholars (+ her book recommendations)

Check out these helpful study tips and book recommendations to deepen personal learning about temple worship, our covenants, and the temple garment.

Why saying ‘receive’ your endowment can be more helpful, accurate, and respectful

How we talk about the ordinances of the temple frames how we understand them. Here is one way we can speak more lovingly about the endowment.

8 blessings of the temple endowment people aren’t talking about enough

I hope these eight points help you see that while you reverently prepare to enter, you can also feel thrilled at this opportunity. Welcome to my pep rally for the temple.



The Holy Invitation

You may feel a little intimidated when you’re preparing to enter the temple for the first time. Fortunately, this book can help. It offers answers about the endowment by providing a frame for you to understand the purposes and procedures of its ordinances. Explore the temple endowment from three different vantage points: the why, the what, and the how, so that when you go to the temple—whether for the first time or the hundredth—you can more fully absorb the learning and truth the Lord has in store for you.

The Holy Covenants

In The Holy Covenants, religion professor Anthony Sweat helps us better understand the major covenants of the temple endowment as a pattern of divine living. He explains with clarity and perspective how the temple presentation, clothing, garment ordinances, and covenants invite us to become part of a holy order, patterned after the Son of God.

Let’s Talk about Temples and Ritual

In this book, Dr. Jennifer Lane draws on scripture and the history of ancient and modern temples to share how, in the temple, we can find redemption through Christ.

The Temple Experience: Passage to Healing and Holiness

Perfect for new and longtime temple worshipers alike, this priceless volume is guaranteed to help you use the temple experience and its rich symbolism to find healing and hope that will let you see yourself more truthfully, then seek God more trustingly.

The Priesthood Power of Women: In the Temple, Church, and Family

This powerful book will help all members, especially women, more completely understand God’s power and take full advantage of the powers, blessings, and privileges available to them in this mortal journey.

Eve and Adam: Discovering the Beautiful Balance

Examining truths about Eve allows us to better understand Eve and Adam’s mission and their beautiful, balanced interdependence.

Social Media Posts

And if you are looking for even more inspiration on the temple, check out these recent general conference talks.

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