Sponsored by Wise Food Storage

April 17, 2015 04:41 AM MDT
Wise Company specializes in producing dehydrated and freeze-dried long-term food storage for emergency use. Wise has differentiated itself by packaging the food in small-serving mylar pouches with up to a 25 year shelf life. This innovative packaging system prevents waste and allows the consumer to eat what they want when they want it. The pouches come in buckets that are easily stackable for efficient storage, but simple and light enough to grab a bucket or two and go quickly when necessary. Wise Company offers 13 entrée and 4 breakfast varieties along with eggs, milk, meat, fruits, and vegetables as well. Wise also carries an array of high quality ancillary preparedness products such as water storage containers, water filters, and fuel sources. One can also find emergency kits (“bug out bags”) that include emergency food and critical preparedness items.
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