Latter-day Saint Life

5 Ways to Feel the Spirit in Everyday Life

“Why don’t I feel a burning in my bosom?” Almost every Latter-day Saint has asked this question when the Spirit “Why don’t I feel a burning in my bosom?” Almost every Latter-day Saint has asked this question when the Spirit seems to elude the deepest pleadings of the heart. Recognizing the Holy Ghost isn’t meant to be a piece of cake, but it doesn’t have to be a rarity either.

In Elder Bednar’s metaphor about light he notes that revelation can come as quickly as flipping on a light switch in a dark room; however, most often revelation comes gradually, how the sun rises. And some days it’s foggy and you can barely see one step ahead. The good news is that Heavenly Father always answers our prayers. The tough news is that getting answers requires hard work and patience, but there are some things you can do to recognize and invite the Spirit into your life.

1. Look Everywhere

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