Latter-day Saint Life

First Presidency Calls 16 New Stake Presidents, Organizes 4 New Stakes


From Côte d'Ivoire to Idaho and Utah to Chile, the First Presidency has called 16 new stake presidents to serve in stakes around the world.

New Stakes

Anonkoua Cote D’lvoire Stake:

(Sept. 10, 2017) President — Ali Badara Serce Traore, 40, department head, Mosaid Telcom; wife, Baly Agathe Kaloto. Counselors — Jean Marie Soman Toto, 45, communications manager, SARL Gonan; wife, Veronique Kouame Affoue. Didler Yobo, 45, heavy truck driver; wife, N’Guessan Ouffoué Fabiola Kouame.

Guayaquil Ecuador Fortin Stake:

(Sept. 3, 2017) President — Enrique Patricio Arevalo Naranjo, 41, auto mechanic; wife, Mayra Soraya Maridueña Arana. Counselors — Rene Jonathan Merchán Pazmiño, 33, tailor; wife, Beatriz Mercedes Huilcapi Suqui. Oscar David Espinoza Meneses, 38, service technician; wife, Karina Elizabeth Contreras Pino.

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