Latter-day Saint Life

Pacific Area Presidency Points to Example of Papua New Guinea Saints During Temple Closures


Members of the Church in Papua New Guinea were thrilled in October 2019 to hear President Russell M. Nelson announce a temple in their country. Elder K. Brett Nattress, a member of the Pacific Area Presidency, recently used footage of their reactions in illustrating the importance of keeping a current temple recommend even when temples are closed, something Latter-day Saints around the world are experiencing as their temples are closed due to COVID-19.

“As we view this beautiful video that reminds us of the blessings of the temple, let us join with the Papua New Guinea Saints in expressing our love and appreciation to God, through being worthy of and always holding a current temple recommend,” Elder Nattress encouraged.

The examples of these Latter-day Saints is, no doubt, inspiring.

“At first, I was speechless,” Raymond Liri, Branch President in the Sabusa Branch, says of hearing the announcement of a temple in Papua New Guinea. “I thought of Heavenly Father’s plan for every one of us and how merciful He is to even allow the temple to be built through His living prophet.”

They consider this temple to be a blessing and they do not intend to take it for granted.

The Saints in Papua New Guinea are determined to be ready when their temple is dedicated and spoke of their preparations: Temple preparation classes are being taught and youth are receiving limited use recommends in an effort to show their readiness to the Lord. Members are also inviting less active family members and neighbors to participate in family home evenings and praying for their loved ones to come back to church.

“And they are coming, they are coming to Church activities that are happening. Those who have left the Church for years are coming,” Liri says.

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