Lesson Helps

Young Women Lesson 28: Consecration and Sacrifice

Manual 3; Supplement from "Consecrate Thy Performance" by Neal A. Maxwell

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some examples of sacrifice you have seen in the lives of people in the scriptures? in the lives of people you know? How did their sacrifice bless their lives and the lives of others?
  • In Malachi 3:8 the question is asked “Will a man rob God?” In what ways is it robbing God when you don’t use the talents He has given you to build up His kingdom?

Excerpt from "Consecrate Thy Performance" by Neal A. Maxwell:

A stumbling block appears when we serve God generously with time and checkbooks but still withhold portions of our inner selves, signifying that we are not yet fully His!

Some have difficulty when particular tasks enter their sunset phase. John the Baptist is a model, however, saying of Jesus’ growing flock, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Mistakenly regarding our present assignments as the only indicator of how much God loves us only adds to our reluctance to let go. Brothers and sisters, our individual worth is already divinely established as “great”; it does not fluctuate like the stock market.

Other stepping-stones remain unused because, like the rich, righteous young man, we are not yet willing to confront what we yet lack (see Mark 10:21). A residue of selfishness is thereby exposed.

Shrinking occurs in so many ways. The terrestrial kingdom, for example, will include the “honorable,” clearly not bearers of false witness. Yet they were still “not valiant in the testimony of Jesus” (D&C 76:75, 79). The best way to valiantly testify of Jesus is to become steadily more like Him, and it is that consecration that carves out the emulative character (see 3 Ne. 27:27).

In meeting these recited challenges, spiritual submissiveness is fortunately and helpfully adroit—sometimes helping us to “let go” of things, even mortal life, other times to “hold fast,” and still other times to use the next stepping-stone (see 1 Ne. 8:30).

*To read the full talk, click here.

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