Throughout the month of February, five members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made visits to members of the Church around the world and shared inspiring and hopeful messages. Here’s a recap of their important ministry trips.
Elder Gong in Mexico

On a recent visit to Mexico, Elder Gerrit W. Gong met with the Secretary of the Interior of Mexico, Adán Augusto López. As reported by Church Newsroom, Elder Gong presented Secretary López with a statue of the Christus and thanked him for the diplomatic relations that have existed between the Church of Jesus Christ and the government of Mexico for 110 years.
“It was a privilege to talk with Secretary López … about building peace in Mexico through the well-being of the people,” said Elder Gong. “We can all support with small actions, caring for those who need it most. Because we are all children of God.”
You can read more about his visit on Church Newsroom.
Elder Cook in Southern Africa

In mid-February, Elder Quentin L. Cook visited the African nations of Zambia and Madagascar along with his wife, Mary Cook.
While in Madagascar, Elder Cook met with President Andry Rajoelina at the Presidential Palace Iavoloha in the capital city of Antananarivo. Church Newsroom reported that President Rajoelina was presented with a Book of Mormon embossed with the president’s name and a statue of the Christus.
Elder Cook was grateful to President Rajoelina for Madagascar’s commitment to religious freedom, and President Rajoelina in turn shared his gratitude for the Church’s commitment to aid programs and helping the most vulnerable.
Earlier on his trip, Elder Cook encouraged Latter-day Saints in Madagascar to follow Christ. “[By following Christ], you will have personal peace even though there will not be world peace,” he said, as reported by Church Newsroom.
And in Zambia, he counseled members to to do the things the Savior would want them to do. As reported by Church Newsroom, his message focused on four things we need to do today:
- “One, we need to live Christian, Christlike lives.”
- “Second, we need to care for those in need.”
- “Third, we need to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone. We need to love, share and invite.”
- “Fourth is to do our family history and see that they are sealed together.”
President Nelson announced plans to build a Latter-day Saint temple in Antananarivo, Madagascar, in October 2021.
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Elder Uchtdorf in India

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf; his wife, Harriet Uchtdorf; and Elder Kelly R. Johnson of the Asia Area Presidency and his wife, Terri, travelled together throughout India earlier this month, stopping in New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Bengaluru.
“When you approach people in kindness, they respond in kindness, with a smile,” Elder Uchtdorf told Church News about their trip.
In each city they visited, Elder Uchtdorf taught about love.
“Try to forgive and forget,” he shared, as reported by Church News. “Reach out to the individuals by showing your love … Be a brother, be a sister, be a friend.”
The Church announced a temple in Bengaluru, India, in 2018, and ground was broken in December 2020. You can see a rendering of the new temple here.
You can watch a short video summary of the Uchtdorfs’ visit in the player below and read more about their trip on Church Newsroom.
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Elder Renlund in Honduras

Elder Dale G. Renlund and his wife, Ruth Renlund, met with Latter-day Saints in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on February 18 and 19. In messages to local Church members, Elder Renlund urged Saints to exercise faith in Jesus Christ and do things that will only increase faith, since “faith only increases or decreases.”
While there, Sister Renlund also participated in the Church’s hygiene and clothing kit donation project to the Honduran Red Cross, providing 90 men’s kits, 50 women’s kits, 51 children’s kits, 64 clothing kits, and several bottled water packages for more than 8,000 migrants.
In 2019, the Church announced plans to construct a new temple in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and the groundbreaking ceremony was held in September 2020. You can see a rendering of the new temple here.
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Read more about their visit to Central America on Church Newsroom.
Elder Christofferson in West Africa

Elder D. Todd Christofferson recently wrapped up a 12-day visit to western Africa, stopping in Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Côte d’Ivoire.
While in Ghana, Elder Christofferson had the opportunity to meet with the president of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and presented him with a personalized Book of Mormon and a glass replica of the tree of life. He also encouraged President Akufo-Addo to prayerfully read 3 Nephi 11.
President Akufo-Addo said, “We value our relationship with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I hope that it will continue to grow,” as reported by Church Newsroom. “We will do all we can to make sure your Church succeeds in everything you do here in Ghana.”
Elder Christofferson replied, “We are grateful for the time we have spent and look forward to our continued joint efforts to bless the people of this wonderful country.”
In both Liberia and Côte d‘Ivoire, Church members eagerly await their new temples, which are currently under construction. As reported by Newsroom, Elder Christofferson told Latter-day Saints in Liberia, “Make a list of things you can take out of your lives and things you can bring into your lives before the Temple is built. … We need to make and keep covenants—doing that simply means, changing from doing the things we want and doing the things Heavenly Father wants us to do."
You can see artist’s renderings of the new temple in Côte d‘Ivoire here and the new temple in Liberia here.
You can also read more about Elder Christofferson’s visit with President Akufo-Addo here and a summary of his entire West Africa ministry here.