From the Church

Church’s abortion topic page updated following US Supreme Court ruling

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Exterior of Supreme Court of the United States, Washington DC.
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On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade.

That same day, the Church announced that it had updated its Gospel Topics page on abortion. The new page reads as follows:


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes in the sanctity of human life. Therefore, the Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience, and counsels its members not to submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for such abortions.

The Church allows for possible exceptions for its members when:

  • Pregnancy results from rape or incest, or
  • A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy, or
  • A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth.

Even these exceptions do not automatically justify abortion. Abortion is a most serious matter. It should be considered only after the persons responsible have received confirmation through prayer. Members may counsel with their bishops as part of this process.

The Church’s position on this matter remains unchanged. As states work to enact laws related to abortion, Church members may appropriately choose to participate in efforts to protect life and to preserve religious liberty.

▶ You may also like: What the Church currently teaches about abortion

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