Latter-day Saint Life

Elder Bednar to Singles: "You Do Not Find the Perfect Partner or the Perfect Marriage"


Dating takes work. Marriage takes work. Being a good spouse takes work. And no one is perfect. But sadly, there's a misconception that the perfect spouse or perfect marriage is just out there, waiting. But the truth is, you have to work at being a good spouse and you have to work to create a perfect marriage. 

As Elder David A. Bednar shared in a recent Instagram post, the perfect marriage isn't something you find, it's something you create it.

As I think about our marriage, I am grateful that Susan and I complement each other in important ways. She understands things differently than I do. We may not fully agree about an idea or decision. But at the end of the day, we are grateful for our divinely designed differences and perspectives because they help us to learn from each other. To any young adults contemplating dating and marriage, please remember: you do not find the perfect partner or the perfect marriage you hope to have; you create it. As an agent, blessed with moral agency, you create the marriage, the family, and the happiness you hope to have, line upon line, precept upon precept, pressing forward along the covenant pathway.
View this post on Instagram As I think about our marriage, I am grateful that Susan and I complement each other in important ways. She understands things differently than I do. We may not fully agree about an idea or decision. But at the end of the day, we are grateful for our divinely designed differences and perspectives because they help us to learn from each other. . To any young adults contemplating dating and marriage, please remember: you do not find the perfect partner or the perfect marriage you hope to have; you create it. As an agent, blessed with moral agency, you create the marriage, the family, and the happiness you hope to have, line upon line, precept upon precept, pressing forward along the covenant pathway. A post shared by David A. Bednar (@davidabednar) on Oct 18, 2018 at 11:00am PDT

Lead image from Elder Bednar's Instagram

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