This counsel ignited Sierra’s conversion to Christ, ultimately preparing her to be among the 1st female military chaplains endorsed by the Church.
5 Min Read
Read five key points from Elder Bednar on navigating artificial intelligence with the Spirit.
1 Min Read
Join the Magnify community’s study online or host your own book club with this downloadable study guide and fun fall recipe!
2 Min Read
If it feels like you’re just going through the motions in your spiritual habits, read this.
4 Min Read
This is also the most compelling question I’ve been asked at church lately.
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Elder David A. Bednar recently shared an unexpected—and encouraging—comment he received from a stranger while on a travel assignment.
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Ten years after his landmark address on sharing the gospel using social media, Elder David A. Bednar gave insights on spreading light online today.
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The invitation in the Doctrine and Covenants to “doubt not, fear not” can sometimes be easier said than done.
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My gospel life is not a checklist to complete but a nourishing lifestyle designed to help me experience stillness so that I can come to know God.
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Elder David A. Bednar dedicated the Layton Utah Temple on Sunday, June 16. Read more about his counsel for building a “covenant connection” with Heavenly Father.
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Elder David A. Bednar’s answer highlighted several important principles.
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“When we read or hear the admonition ‘be ye therefore perfect’ (Matthew 5:48), we may think it means to make no mistakes. But such a level of performance simply is not possible.”
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In moments when it feels the task at hand is too daunting, I reflect on this simple statement.
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How can we invite the Holy Ghost to always be with us? Here are three ideas from Elder Bednar.
3 Min Read
“For me personally, my study has focused on the doctrines and principles, the invitations to act, and the promised blessings taught in the messages.”
3 Min Read
Joseph and Emma’s time in the home was longer than they lived anywhere else together before Joseph was killed in 1844.
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Serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles comes with a lot of responsibility. But what does it look like on a daily basis?
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To celebrate the birthday of this incredible Apostle, here are some of our favorite photos from his life.
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Back in June 2022, Elder David A. Bednar sat down with adorable 8-year-old East Idaho News correspondent Emmy Eaton for an interview—then he came back for a surprise visit.
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As we seek to find the one, to serve and minister people individually, we will become more Christlike.
6 Min Read
Take a look back at the last six months of news, projects, and messages from Church leaders since last general conference.
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Get to know the current members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve with these books and talks authored by our beloved leaders.
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Church members recently had a unique opportunity for a live Q&A with Elder Bednar as he ministered and answered questions one by one.
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In preparing for this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson, I keep accidentally typing “virtual” instead of “virtuous.” Which got me thinking, what would it mean to be a virtually virtuous woman or man?
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Elder David A. Bednar has never been one to shy away from the power and influence of social media. And the Church’s “Strive to Be” Instagram account just shared his 3 tips for sharing the gospel online.
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In this excerpt from the All In podcast, Elder Bednar uses examples from the scriptures to discuss how the Lord is guiding each person along his or her path.
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After tackling some tricky questions at the National Press Club, Elder Bednar was invited to do a very different interview with a much friendlier, much cuter, news correspondent.
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On Thursday, May 26, 2022, Elder David A. Bednar made a statement about the school shooting that took place in Uvalde, Texas.
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If you’re struggling to answer questions about the temple, here are three poignant answers you can quote from an Apostle of the Lord.
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“What we do in [the temple] is not secret—it’s sacred. And so to be able to talk about those things in the temple has been very eye-opening for everyone who has come in.”
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As CBS News Sunday Morning reporter Ed O’Keefe walked across the entry bridge to the Washington D.C. Temple, he had a question for his tour guides.
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Watch: Elder Bednar and his doctor share parallels between red blood cells and the Savior’s ministry
Elder David A. Bednar shared how all things—even the tiniest cells in the human body—are a reflection of the Savior Jesus Christ and His ministry.
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Elder David A. Bednar has spoken many times about the principle of receiving personal revelation. But there’s one question he’s heard more than any other: “How do I know if it’s me or the Spirit?”
5 Min Read
On Facebook, Elder Bednar shared his thoughts on how to find balance between competing demands: home, employment, self-care, and serving in the Church. His answer may surprise you.
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"I often emphasize the truth that you do not simply 'find' the marriage you hope to have. Rather, you create it," Elder David A. Bednar shared on Instagram.
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The prophet reiterated a message that has become a common theme of his ministry: the importance of Latter-day Saints working to gather Israel.
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“It makes great sense that the temple would be located in this vicinity,” Elder Bednar says with a smile.
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The Bednars may have been in a new place with a new culture, but their testimonies of finding hope through Jesus Christ serve as an important and powerful message for every country on earth.
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Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong encouraged Latter-day Saints to better understand and find common ground with the world's 1.8 billion followers of Islam and introduced a new Church pamphlet.
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"The Holy Ghost is not always going to invite us to do what is easy or convenient. In fact, the Spirit will sometimes send promptings that go exactly counter to what we want to do."
6 Min Read
When you devote 8–10 hours of your weekend to sitting in front of a screen, you want to make sure you get as much out of it as possible, but how can you best prepare for general conference? And when it’s over, how can you best apply its teachings to your life?
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"The roles of both the mind and the heart in personal revelation are crucial, and no simple formulas or recommended action steps can guide us through this rigorous spiritual process."
8 Min Read
On October 14, 2020, Elder David A. Bednar participated in the G20 Interfaith Forum, a gathering of leaders from all over the world and of different faiths. Elder Bednar’s address focuses on why religion is essential in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The full text of his address is available at Church News.
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Every Monday morning, I eagerly check Newsroom to see what temples will reopen in the coming week. I feel joy for my fellow Saints around the world as the sealing power is once again available in their country in the first phase of reopening. I marvel as I picture missionaries preparing to serve during a pandemic who have the opportunity to receive their endowment before their departure through temples in the second phase of reopening.
5 Min Read
The United Arab Emirates’ Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has called for a special day of service, fasting, and prayer on Thursday, May 14, and Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles voiced support on behalf of all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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The Church’s temples may have closed worldwide, but blessings are still available to Latter-day Saints everywhere, says Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
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Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Dale G. Renlund, and Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will host a training centered on the theme “Ministering to All through Temple and Family History.”
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The room was filled with teachers from Seminaries and Institutes, and although Elder David A. Bednar was facilitating the discussion, he pointed to the importance of having the true teacher present.
6 Min Read
Looking out among 15,000 students in the BYU-Idaho Center here on Sunday, Sept. 22, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles moved his finger across the screen of his iPad and read a question.
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The Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been dedicated by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
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“They were angelic!" April Mecham said about the choir of 150 missionaries she led in singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at a Houston Astros game.
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