We've all had those moments where we feel alone. Maybe it's because there's a trial in our life that seems insurmountable or we feel that even when we try our best, we fall short.
But during these times, there is something we can do that will help us "remember that God’s patience, mercy, charity, and love for you is infinite."
After visiting two temples in two countries with his family, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf shared this solution—one that can be found in some of the holiest places on earth.
Earlier this week we had the unique opportunity to visit—with some of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren—two temples in two countries, even though the two buildings are only 35 miles apart. Both the San Diego California Temple as well as the Tijuana Mexico Temple are beautiful structures, but it is what happens in the lives of the people who enter the House of the Lord that is most remarkable.
Anytime we go to the temple—no matter the trials, tumult, or joy that might surround us in our daily lives—we have the opportunity to gain a special measure of peace and understanding. I know this to be true because I have seen it countless times in my own life.
We know that you young people experience daily challenges with a variety of choices, trials, and temptations that life presents you. Yes, life can be difficult at times—especially when you feel you are on your own with no help in sight.
My young friends, please know you may be on your own—but you are never alone. We pray for you often. The Holy Ghost is always right there, next to your heart and mind. Remember, the Lord knows you and your circumstances. He loves you and will guide you through your trials. We know that at times, you worry about school, dating, finding a spouse, raising a family, and gaining meaningful employment.
We also know that you get down on yourselves because you feel you fall short of God’s expectations for you. Please remember that God’s patience, mercy, charity, and love for you is infinite. His power to lift you up and carry you across any doubt or worry is infinite.
I encourage you to attend the temple frequently. If distance makes attending the temple regularly difficult, follow the counsel given in “For The Strength of Youth,” which will lead you to live temple-worthy lives—and always have a temple recommend. Stay close to the temple with your heart and mind. If you attend the temple and make your temple covenants a focus of your life, the guidance, direction, and hope that you seek can be yours. You will feel the Lord’s hand in your lives. You will have peace in Christ.
Harriet joins me in sending our love. With every blessing!!!!
Lead image from President Uchtdorf's Facebook
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf has earned a reputation among members of the Church for using his decades of experience as a pilot to draw gospel metaphors. He has even joked about the frequency of the phenomenon from the pulpit, once noting that a congregation may be asking, "What does this have to do with an airplane?" President Uchtdorf's ability to draw on real-life experience and share easily interpreted analogies has endeared him to Church members the world over.
This new book brings together many of those stories of flight that President Uchtdorf has used in his ministry. In this colorful, inviting format, more than 20 of his best-loved stories come together under five major themes: Principles of Flight, Lift, Guidance on the Journey, Weathering the Turbulence, and Our Eternal Destination.