Lesson Helps

FHE: The Difference Between Sorrow and Worldly Sorrow


General Conference Talk: “Your Sorrow Shall Be Turned to Joy” by Robert D. Hales October 1983 general conference

Thought: “Suffering is universal; how we react to suffering is individual. Suffering can take us one of two ways. It can be a strengthening and purifying experience combined with faith, or it can be a destructive force in our lives if we do not have the faith in the Lord’s atoning sacrifice. The purpose of suffering, however, is to build and strengthen us” (Robert D. Hales “Your Sorrow Shall Be Turned to Joy” October 1983 general conference).

Song: “Dare to Do Right” Children’s Songbook, no. 158

Lesson: Read or adapt the following summary:

After all people in every land were converted to Jesus Christ and became Nephites, they enjoyed many decades of peace and righteousness. Nephi and the other nine Apostles passed away, leaving the three Nephite Apostles who would live until Christ’s Second Coming to witness the events unfolding among the people. Over the next two centuries, pride, wickedness, witchcraft, and persecution arose, and the people divided into tribes of Lamanites and Nephites and engaged in war.

The three remaining Apostles were taken out of the land—as were the presence of the Holy Ghost, miracles, and healings. About 293 years had passed since Christ had appeared among the Nephites. The scriptural record was passed down to Nephi’s descendants and entrusted to Mormon, one of the few righteous Nephites left in the land. At age 16, Mormon was appointed to lead the unrepresented Nephite armies in battle and kept a record of his efforts to bring the people to repentance. Read Mormon 2:9-15 and answer these questions:

  • Why do you think Mormon would initially rejoice over the mourning and sorrow of the Nephites?
  • Why did his rejoicing change when he learned the reason for their sorrow?
  • What does this teach you about the difference between sorrowing “unto repentance” and worldly sorrow?


Have each member of the family write down a couple different kinds of ways to stand (on one foot, on tip-toes, on hands, on head, kneeling etc.). Put all the options in a bowl and have a family member draw one of the stances out and challenge them to stay that way for as long as they can. Go around and have each family member do a couple stances. Then after everyone has tried it, ask them which stances were easiest and which stances were hardest. Say it’s easier to stay upright when you have both feet firmly placed on the ground and are standing on a firm foundation it’s harder to be knocked down.

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The Book of Mormon Family Reader will help your family discover and discuss the eternal doctrine found in the Book of Mormon, drawing you closer together as a family and closer to Christ. This new format suited for every age and stage of life makes meaningful scripture study an attainable goal for every family. This book provides your family with a simple yet meaningful approach to learning the sacred teachings of the Book of Mormon. You will love how manageable, enjoyable, and enlightening family scripture study can be!


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